Monday, November 24, 2008

Essay #2 reflection

I recently finished essay #2. This essay I thought I did a large amount better. I kept a fair amount of the process the same, the process was what Craig wanted. However, I put far more effort into the entire thing. The research was probably the hardest part, although I'm starting to realize that I need to use my resources such as the Research Librarians, and that I need to be more selective in my sources. This means not using things like reviews, which I had used in the first essay. Also, I used JSTOR less, and Google books more. Another thing I did better with this essay was telling my audience what each part was about. In the first essay, I had taken out most of these pieces because I had interpreted one of Craig's comments to say that I should stop using those. This time, I realized that wasn't what he meant, so I clearly labeled all the pieces. One thing I would do differently if I could redo this essay would be to research more in the early stages, but be building all that research into one cohesive idea. By this I mean pointing my research towards a thesis, to either prove or disprove it. However, I believe the final product was immensely improved over the first essay.

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