Thursday, September 25, 2008

Destruction of the Indies

In this excerpt, Bartolome de Las Casas argues that the treatment of the Native Americans is not simply unjust, but almost like an animal. Personally, i agree with his statements because I believe that all humans have a right to life, and should not be tortured without great need. In his excerpt, Bartolome not only provides statistical points of refrence, such as the 3 million in one area that now only has 300 left, but includes eyewitness accounts of the inhumane treatment of the Native Americans. The account he forces upon us is a horrific tale of Spaniards routinely torturing the Native Americans till death, and, when their horrific screams become "unpleasant" and unconducive to a good nights rest, the executioner, instead of giving them the mercy of a quick death, simply gags them, and lets them continue to roast and bleed. It then says that the executioner was "making the Fire" whether this was because it had not been started yet, or because their blood had put it out, i do not know. Bartolome was able to stomach such bestiality, however i would have forfeited my most recent meal upon being forced to witness such an event. Some might claim that "they deserved it because they resisted" or "they deserved it for not converting", however the worst continued resistance deserves is a quick death, perhaps at the block, and torturing those unwilling to immeadiately convert only forces other possible converts to believe that your religion is populated by sociopaths. In conclusion, I agree with Bartolome that the Spaniard's actions were horrifying and terrible in ways words fail to describe, and would further say that they were unproductive, meaning that, even if you don't believe in the Native Americans humanity or even base feelings, you can at least realize that it detracts from your stated goals.

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