Thursday, October 9, 2008

John Winthrop’s Arbella Sermon’s quotes

1. Love is a bond that brings things together, makes them whole, and makes them beautiful, and the church is brought together and made whole, beautiful, and perfect by its love of Christ.
a. Winthrop’s benefit is lower crime rate, ease of ruling, friendship, and better work ethic.
b. It would make sense because they all know how well a body works in conjunction with each of its parts and it then transfers into the need for their community to work in conjunction with each of the parts.
c. This union of separate parts can work together to create a common wealth because a community needs several different trade specialists to work in conjunction with each other in order to survive.
2. They should keep all of the good aspects of England, and improve the bad parts
a. New England essentially meant a newer model to the Puritans, same basis but with certain changes and tweaks.
3. God has granted them the ability to go and start anew, fresh, and wants them to do well and obey his word. If they reach the New World, god has given them his blessing, and they must do their best to appease him and obey his word.
a. The Puritans viewed their charter as a covenant, or deal between themselves and God, they were Gods consultants, he paid them with a new chance, and their work is to purify the Church and set a good example for England and the rest of Europe.
4. They wish to make their colony, not just a standard, but a goal, they want to be an example of perfection and then they want to broadcast that to brag about it.
a. He viewed it as an opportunity to make the perfect colony, to which all later colonies could aspire.
b. He wanted to be the people who were in the spotlight, everyone could see them and they should do their best, for everyone will be able to judge them.

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