Thursday, October 9, 2008

The search for THE information

Search 1:
Bacon’s Rebellion
no modifications
Overload of articles, 976, not worth searching through

Search 2:
Bacon’s Rebellion
published between 1600-1800, history only
No hits

Search 3:
Bacon’s Rebellion
published between 1600-1800
No hits

Search 4:
Bacon’s Rebellion,
802 articles, way too much to search through, let’s try narrowing the search to trying to find this from a moral standpoint

Search 5
Bacon’s Rebellion, bad
141 articles, let’s try checking a few
Title: Bacon's Rebellion
Source: The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Jul., 1900), pp. 1-10
Publisher(s): Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture Stable URL:
Looks promising, however, I would prefer something closer to primary

Search 6
Bacon’s rebellion, bad
History, 1600-1900
8 articles, the only ones that were useful came from the source above

Search 7
Bacon’s Rebellion
History, 1600-1900
64 articles, a reasonable amount. Many are from the William and Mary Quarterly, once again. Let’s check some that aren’t

Search 8
Bacon’s Rebellion, not “William and Mary Quarterly”
History, 1600-1900
Did not work as a filter

Search 9
Bacon’s Rebellion
History (excluding William and Mary Quarterly), 1600-1900
Articles seem to mainly derive of The English Historical View.
Title: Review: [untitled]
Author(s): C. H. Firth
Reviewed Title(s): Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, America and West Indies, 1675, 1676: Also Addenda, 1574-1674 Reviewed Authors(s): W. Noel Sainsbury
Source: The English Historical Review, Vol. 9, No. 36 (Oct., 1894), p. 794
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
Stable URL:

I found out that it’s not a problem of finding information on this site; it’s about finding THE information. I do believe I made headway, in that I now know how to exclude certain scholarly journals, what a reasonable expectation of publish dates would be, and how to use certain functions, however I also believe that it is going to take a large amount of more work

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