Tuesday, October 7, 2008

they say: Bacon's Rebellion

There are many different opinions as to the causes and effects of Bacon's Rebellion. In his article, Michael J. Puglisi states on page 77 of "Whether They Be Friends or Foes" that the original reason for the uprising was "the presence of some Doeg and Susquehannock Indian raiding parties." Meanwhile, page 35 of A Young People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn states that Bacon's Rebellion was started due to anger at how the colony was being run, but seems to mainly focus on the rich versus poor aspect of it. The American Promise: A History of the United States says on page 91 that the poor colonists started Bacon's Rebellion due to an arguement about the governments policy with Indians. Bacon himself sites in his "Declaration" all of these and the corruption of the governer, Berkely, and how he is going against the will of the king. Nathaniel Bacon's Declaration is extremely biased and points out the alleged flaws of the Governer, including conspiracy, monopoly, embezzlement, and using government funds for personal use, it also accuses the indians of raping and killing the righteous colonists without justification. A source that seems to at least verify some claims is the article by Puglisi, which confirms the claims of monopoly, constant fear in the colonists, and nearby raiding parties, and that the only protection was a set of forts along rivers. However, it then goes and reveals that Bacon's Rebellion only ended up attacking Indians living on land reserved for them that were peaceful to the Europeans anyways. A Young People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn goes as far as to question Bacon's motives because he is already a somewhat wealthy landowner, and believe he is just more interested in killing Indians. However, Bacon's popularity was evident as he was elected for government. Then, after being held for treason and declared a rebel, 2,000 of his supporters attacked and burned Jamestown.

1 comment:

Zachary Silverton said...

I got interupted before I could finish reading, but I assume this was well done. BTW, love your blog picture.